News & Media

IAIR Winner 2014

Kismet Jardin is the recipient of the 2014 IAIR global award for innovation and sustainability in the beauty and health category.

The IAIR AWARDS gives recognition to those organizations and those leaders who want to make positive difference in the lives of their customers and the community –and reap the financial benefits of doing so.

IAIR GROUP / IAIR AWARDS is a research institute and a global independent publishing house headquartered in Milan, Italy.

IAIR panel is made up of the scientific committee of IAIR and along with a team of dedicated legal, economic and financial journalists in over 120 countries worldwide.

Kismet Jardin – Best Company for Innovation & Sustainability, Health & Beauty, Australia

iair-award-winner-kismet-jardin iair-award-winner-kismet-jardin

Manoj & Peta-Ann Jain
The award ceremony was held at Sheraton Towers, Hong Kong.

Media Coverage

‘The Eco-sustainable Beauty of Green Luxury’ by Claudia Chiari. ‘The Excellence Magazine’, International Magazine for Excellent Business and Lifestyle, published in Switzerland. Volume 6, page 47-50.
Page 47-50

‘French Flair’ by Roxanne Allan in the Adelaide Matters.
11Dec, 2013 page 27

International – HAPPI – Household and Personal Products Industry
AUSTRALIA: Kismet Jardin has won IAIR global award for innovation and sustainability in the beauty and health category. Held at Sheraton Towers, Hong Kong, …

Sweet scent of success – In-Business Magazine South Australia
Mar 4, 2014 – With its headquarters in Highbury, Kismet Jardin specialises in … The IAIR group is a research institute and an independent publishing house … with its awards panel made up of its scientific committee members and legal,
Australian green cosmetic company Kismet Jardin has won IAIR global award for innovation and sustainability in the beauty & health category Australia.